At Queer Ministry, we believe trans and queer people are divine and must be restored to our proper places within the church and body of Christ. We believe every person has the right to participate in spiritual communities without bias, discrimination or violence.
At Queer Ministry, we worship the Creator, also known as the One True Living God. We view God as the unwavering frequency of all things Good, Kind, True, Peaceful, Whole and Merciful. God is not a respecter of persons, but moves via the Spirit with accuracy and gentleness. We believe bias distorts God’s love and message, and we cannot serve God if we serve bias.
Queer Ministry is firmly grounded in the life, ministry, resurrection, and salvation of Jesus Christ. While Christian Nationalists commodify the image of Jesus, we will come with the Power of Jesus to heal, liberate, and love all people healing religious harm and colonial violence.
Queer Ministry provides spiritual services, education, and programs to LGBTQ+ people and our allies. We offer spirit sessions as a form of one-on-one support. We develop and facilitate trainings and workshops to share theology and best practices for LGBTQ+ inclusion in religious spaces.
By unpacking, divesting, and healing colonial frameworks within theology, Queer Ministry will foster a non-denominational Christian-grounded spiritual community that is centered on a Black, Nonbinary, Queer, Femme perspective.
Queer Ministry Supports LGBTQ+ people and other marginalized people in spiritual settings by deconstructing colonial impacts on theology, such as transphobia, racism, xenophobia, anti-Blackness, anti-Semitism, Islamophobia, capitalism, ableism, misogyny, adultism, abuse, hate, discrimination, and state violence.
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